Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Lightspeed Design, Inc. was tapped by Gali-3D (Producer) to film the Jack Daniel's distillery in stereoscopic HD-3D for a European event marketing campaign designed by the international ad agency Arnold Worldwide in cooperation with Arnold Prague public relations company.

Lightspeed filmed the distillery, located in Lynchburg, TN., in DepthQ® Stereoscopic over four days in April 2010 capturing the step by step, time-honored traditional process of creating Jack Daniel's Tennessee Whiskey. The raw footage was delivered to Gali-3D for post production and editing. The final event marketing piece will be shown at music festivals across Europe in a small, portable 3D theatre using the DepthQ® Polarization Modulator and passive polarized 3D glasses.

For more images visit us at Flickr.

Lightspeed's Senior Technology Manager Dan Lawrence and VP of Technology Kirk Melby prepare the DepthQ® Stereoscopic Rig for a 3D shoot at Jack Daniel's Distillery in Lynchburg, Tennessee.

The Lightspeed crew captures Master Distiller Jeff Arnett in 3D as he evaluates the alcohol content of whiskey flowing from an active copper still by evaporating it between his hands - an authentic, time-honored technique passed on from the Master Distiller before him.

Kirk Melby adjusts the DepthQ® Stereoscopic Rig before a long dolly shot along the clear, iron-free water flowing from Jack's limestone cave stream - the ultimate source of every drop of Jack Daniel Whiskey ever bottled.

DepthQ® captures Master Taster Jeff Norman using an old manual hand drill to sample the contents of a candidate barrel of Single-Barrel whiskey on the seventh floor of this all-wooden warehouse. Less than half of 1 percent of all Jack Daniel's whiskey earns the distinction of being labeled "Single Barrel Whiskey".