Drs. Bas Rokers (pictured below), Alex Huk and Larry Cormack, Neurobiology researchers at the University of Texas at Austin, are utilizing a DepthQ® HD 3D projector along with NVIDIA® 3D Vision™ to present their studies of how the human brain perceives 3D motion. "We perceive motion in three dimensions, even though each eye only receives a two dimensional image. How does our brain combine the two images into a 3D percept?" Click How the Brain Sees 3D for a YouTube video illustrating this concept.
For more information about their research and to see demonstrations of percepts of 3D motion, go to http://web.austin.utexas.edu/rokers.
For the University of Texas at Austin's official press release, go to http://www.utexas.edu/news/2009/07/21/brain_3d_motion/.
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