Led by Prof. Dr. Erich Sorantin, an interdisciplinary team of radiologists, surgeons and engineers in Austria are using the
DepthQ® HD 3D projector in their development of the
"Virtual Liver Surgery Planning System" (VLSPS). Based on S-CT imaging in combination with 3D and Virtual Reality techniques, the VLSPS will provide more accurate liver and tumor volume data as well as offer better communication between radiologists and non-radiologists.
For more information about VLSPS, see the following PDF's:
The Virtual Liver Surgery Planner - New Attacks to Old ProblemsThe Virtual Liver Surgery Planner - Results by a Novel Human Machine InterfaceProf. Dr. Erich Sorantin can be e-mailed at
erich.sorantin@medunigraz.at and is located at:
Dep. of Radiology
Medical University GrazAuenbruggerplatz 9
A . 8036 Graz
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